Password Change
Technical Wiki
IACS Account Request
Please enter your name as it appears on your ID.
Your displayed name can be edited after your account is installed in our directory app.
First Name
Middle Name(s)
Last Name
Requested Username
Your username must be 8 characters or less, start with a letter, and be all lowercase.
I have a University of Maryland Computer Science Department (CSD) account
Please request the same username you use in CSD.
I previously held a UMIACS account
Principal Investigator
Also known as your account sponsor, they will be notified and will need to approve your account before it is installed.
Password Confirmation
Passwords must be at least twelve characters long and must contain at least three of the four following character classes: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals, and punctuation/misc. Password must not contain part of your first, middle, or last name.
Mobile Phone Number
In the event that you need to reset your password, this mobile phone number will be used as a second form of identification. This is only visible to UMIACS Staff for reset purposes. US numbers only - if you do not have a US number, please leave this field blank.
External Contact Email
We will notify you at this address when your account is ready to use. All UMIACS mail will be forwarded to this address. If you are a University of Maryland employee, you are required to put your e-mail address here.
Additional Comments
Accept the use policy
I acknowledge that the use of this account and resources in UMIACS are subject to
the University of Maryland Acceptable Use Policy
Request Account
Looks like you already have a collaborator account
Instead of requesting a new account, please consider upgrading your collaborator account to a full account.