UMIACS Intranet
UMIACS Technical Wiki
Information, How-tos and FAQs regarding UMIACS's computing facilities.
Monthly Maintenance Windows
Full list of our monthly maintenance windows when UMIACS services may be offline or intermittently available.
Search UMIACS Directory
Search for fellow UMIACS users.
Your Directory Information
Update your UMIACS directory info and change e-mail forwarding options.
UNIX groups
List and manage your UNIX groups.
Computational Resources (CRs)
List, manage, and get information about the computers you can log into.
Security Groups
List, get information, and manage access to Wikis, code repos, and other applications within UMIACS.
UMIACS Account Requests
Request new accounts, additional access and tend to pending requests.
Equipment Reservation
Reserve laptops and other equipment.
Jira Support Requests
File and track your open support tickets to staff through the Jira Issue Tracker.
Verification / Certificates
Verify Staff GPG Messages
Paste in a GPG signed mail from staff and verify it.
Verify Public SSH Keys
List public SSH key fingerprints for common UMIACS UNIX hosts.
Helpdesk Phone (301) 405-1775